Photography is a form of art which creates still images. It has been playing a major role in the fashion world and is massively used in fashion these days.
Virginia is considered to be the first ever fashion models. Virginia Oldoini was in the elite class in Italy and was the mistress of Nepolean III. She was photographed by Adolph Braun And Pierre-Louise Pierson. She directed Pierson to help her create 700 different photographs in which she re-created the signature moments of her life for the camera. She spent a large part of her personal fortune and even went into debt to execute this project. Virginia being the very first model, she was a playing a major role to take these images as a photographer would do. Therefore she originated fashion photography. She had a very accentric style and as being so wealthy she had amazing and a vast range of elegant dresses.
Virginia is considered to be the first ever fashion models. Virginia Oldoini was in the elite class in Italy and was the mistress of Nepolean III. She was photographed by Adolph Braun And Pierre-Louise Pierson. She directed Pierson to help her create 700 different photographs in which she re-created the signature moments of her life for the camera. She spent a large part of her personal fortune and even went into debt to execute this project. Virginia being the very first model, she was a playing a major role to take these images as a photographer would do. Therefore she originated fashion photography. She had a very accentric style and as being so wealthy she had amazing and a vast range of elegant dresses.
Particularly this image really attracted me because it has been photographed in a very quirky way. Its a portraiture pose but the face is hidden. The gaze of the eye does not compliment with the elegance of herself. But just to focus on the eye is interesting. More interestingly her signature style inspired the art world and besides that there's a sculptural representation of the image. But it does not have the same elegance and originality as the photograph does.
Photography and Architecture
Lee Miller was an American photographer and model. She was involved in the surrealist movement in photography with Man Ray. This image is a beautiful creation by Miller. She's creating a silhouette where the body and the garment are not shown. But the shadow lies on a architectural feature which has beautiful drapery itself. Even where the shadow of the waist lies, further down it seems like the skirt pleats. The link between the two elements is complimenting each other in a very artistic way.
Photograph of Eileen Agar, Brighton, England 1937 |
Another renowned female photographer is Louise Dahl Wolfe. She was married to Meyer Wolf who was a sculptor. She worked for Vogue and Harper Bazaar. Her signature style was environmental photography and the creation below is true representation of her work. In this image she collaborated with her husband by showing his sculptor the famous Night Bathing. Its a structured and well lit image. Both figures compliment each other in a very creative way. There's a link amongst them. The similar arm posture, the statue near to the camera and looking towards it, the focus is on the model figure in distance and she's looking over her shoulder and the reflection of the model in the water, all these details are well thought processed. Another image from Louise which has a similarity to Miller's above image. Here there's a link of the dessert drape and the drape by the fabric covering her face. And the shadow created by the figure enhances the drape visibility.
Night Bathing - Louise Dahl Wolf - 1939 |
Louise Dahl Wolf 1940s |
Line between Photography and Hidden issues erased
Corrine Day |
Terry Richardson |
Jurgen Teller |
Technology like Photoshop revolutionised photography. The famous name in this field is Nick Night. He basically manipulated the images by using a computer software and made them as he wanted them to be. He certainly has a surreal element to it as well.
The difference in the below images is clear. Here Night collaborated
with Mercedes and Gareth Pugh. The car is like a machine and model is
complimenting it by armour like garment. Pugh's garments are a representation
of architecture. Body and machine are like transformers or some sort of
like super powers.
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